In 2018, NEF “13 Centuries Bulgaria” by means of its regional center “Sarafskata House”, Samokov, and the Professional High School of Tourism in the same city initiated the project “The Recognized Unfamiliar Citizens of Samokov”
The aim is to acquaint students from 8th to 12th grade from the schools in Samokov Municipality with the achievements of not very popular intellectuals and artists from the region who have received national and international recognition.
A competition is envisaged; in it young people will present and essay or a short story devoted to the life of these persons. A leading place in the competition’s concept is occupied by the encouragement of young people’s interest in the past of the city and the region. Its realization is to enrich cultural life in Samokov.
Winners in the competition “The Recognized Unfamiliar Citizens of Samokov”
On 16 May 2018, in “Sarafskata House”, a jury chaired by Rumjana Tsolova, a literature expert and members Lilia Kinina, editor of website “SamokoVest” and Anna Manova, editor-in-chief of media “Samokov 365” announced the winners in the competition “The Recognized Unfamiliar Citizens of Samokov”:
First place – Elena Jan Nestorova
Second place – Pavel Zmiarov
Third place – Petar Hristov
Encouragement awards were adjudicated to Hristina Alichkova and Joanna Mehanjijska, Mihaela Georgieva and Ivajlo Kirov for their group work.