Thanks to NEF ‘13 Centuries of Bulgaria’, Slanchitse Kindergarten in the village of Cairaclia, Republic of Moldova, realised its project

The Slanchitse [Sun] Kindergarten in the village of Cairaclia, Taraclia District, in the Republic of Moldova, implemented its project titled ‘Bulgarian Children’s Folklore and Traditions Among the Younger Generation Abroad’, thanks to the Fund’s financial support through its session, Young Bulgarians Abroad with a Focus on Bulgarian Folklore’.


The project showed children abroad the celebrations, customs, dances, and the music of Bulgarian folklore—the basis of our national spirit, traditions, and culture.


‘Working on this project, we were again convinced that folklore is an inexhaustible treasury of virtues, wisdom, and knowledge. That is why our kindergarten will continue to introduce children to Bulgarian folklore, traditions, and customs, so that our juniors grow up as broad-minded people with high moral and spiritual values,’ Snezhana Bondarenko, the kindergarten director, wrote in a letter to the Fund.


The project developed in several directions: the purchase of Bulgarian folk instruments and musical educational literature for children; an introduction to Bulgarian folk customs for festive occasions such as Baba Marta, Palm Sunday, Easter, and Christmas; the provision of materials to aid the small participants in being creative and working on decorations for the various holidays. Through theatrical performances, the children became acquainted with Bulgarian folk music, Bulgarian national costumes, the traditions of the past, and characteristic aspects of our ancestors’ way of life.

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