In 2019, NEF “13 centuries Bulgaria” renewed its donation campaign for reconstruction of Bulgarian soldiers’ monuments. The Fund adopts its patriotic task to assist in the implementation of the state policy in this field and will work together with the Ministry of Defense – Department “Social policy and policy in military-patriotic education”.
In Bulgaria, there are more than 2 500 soldiers’ monuments. Most of them were built in the 1920s and 1930s and need renovation.
Over the years, the Fund has assisted the conservation and reconstruction of military monuments by organizing thematic sessions.
In 2007, the Fund supported a project of the Union of the military graduates of His Majesty’s Schools, the School of reserve officers and the patriotic host and citizenship for the restoration of the monument to the Bulgarian Fighters who died in Sophia’s defense during the bombings in 1943-1944 year.
In 2004 the Fund announced a session “Soldiers’ Monuments”, in which over 30 projects applied; the jury chose to support eight of them. Among them are: monument to the fallen in the wars in Yambol, chapel ossuary “St. Archangel Michael ” in the military cemetery, Dobrich, “The Alley of Fame” and the memorial “Military Tomb – 1916” in Tutrakan, Soldiers’ Monument to 28th Stremski and 21st Srednogorski Regiment in Karlovo, Monument to killed volunteers from 9th and 10th battalions of the Bulgarian militia in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) in Kazanlak.