Exhibition “Flower Garden” by Anton Georgiev in Gallery “Gabensky” in Tryavna

On September 28, 2018, in the Regional Center of “13 Centuries Bulgaria” in Tryavna, Gallery “Gabensky” an exhibition with wood sculpture by Anton Georgiev was opened. The author is a graduate of the National High School of Applied Arts “Tryavna School”.

This is the second independent exhibition of the author. In it, he interprets flowers – one of the most typical ornamental motifs of the Tryavna wood-carving School, but it is in its contemporary version of styling the shape and turning the motive in a separate composition.

It will run until October 27, 2018. On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday it will open from10:00 to17:30 hrs.

https://www.facebook.com/1339428599488532/videos/2347003435527227/?hc_ref=ARS3UyJkBFIXNricN_cyCNhDbXsroUER7hsUBJy2_Ae8uylRzUj21u2VkcxbBIEziII&__xts__[0]=68.ARB2Buz9vQuKPVaFZjlEHfklHxXo3c1qE6PxsbCLY0sZlYyL778oiGp_ bwM9ezEbgiwqehRzZAzJgbCQkl13g8RR7Z4tnJ6PPz3RRHvD43vMJ–16cEIeqUCyvFtbnx94mpEs9g36_o4ZXWae8CJhWdZyTt-7kooHeYit3CssvIOa5NEbFymU5Izb-uvSBJ53LhvPr3Ds8XPUtOF2-Ruob5sCD-gfxClC2lg&__tn__=FC-R


Галерия Гъбенски- en, Събития-en