1. XXI International Children’s Easter Festival – Bosilegrad, of the Association “Group of Liberal, Ambitious and Solidarity”, Bosilegrad.
  2. “Image-Myth-Text in Samokov and the Region” of the Association for Anthropology, Ethnology and Folklore Studies “Ongle”.
  3. Creation and maintenance of a representative website of the Bulgarian Pen Center of the Bulgarian Pen Center.
  4. Eighth National Historical competition for students from 8th to 12th grade of Foundation “Values”.
  5. Second edition of the annual literary competition-workshop for criticism of “Literary Newspaper” Foundation.
  6. “Team of Bulgarian tennis talents in wheelchairs” of “Bulgarian Tennis Federation”.
  7. Publishing the book “Politics as a responsibility and a test. Teodor Ivanov Theodorov (1859 – 1924), (correspondence, speeches, memories of contemporaries)” of the “American Foundation for Bulgaria – Branch Bulgaria”
  8. International Symposium “Form 2014” of the “Tryavna School”, Tryavna.
  9. Research work on biographical book, dedicated to Hristo Yavashev-Cristo, of “Refrigerator” Association.
  10. Publishing of the book “Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Reviews. Reviewers. Reviews. 1890 – 2010 “, IV volume of the academic multi-band series “Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Opera, Ballet, Operetta, Musical “of the Institute for the Research of Arts at BAS.
  11. “Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Prof. Lyuba Encheva “of the National Music Academy “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov “.
  12. Prepress preparation of the second supplemented edition of the book “Life in Miniature. Words about Georgi Yordanov” of “Literary salon Hristo Botyov” Foundation.
  13. Presentation of the British film series “Hello, Hello” in Bulgaria at Sofia Film Fest.
  14. “The Virtuoso Piano Society” of “Piano Extravaganza” Foundation.
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