Text: Magdalena Gigova
The ‘13 Centuries of Bulgaria’ National Endowment Fund is creating a platform marking its 40th anniversary, where anyone can propose a socially significant cause which, following the approval of the administrator, is to be announced and to receive appropriate support.
Since Art. 4 of the Law on NEF states that the Fund guarantees the fulfilment of the will of its donors, everyone who has given their support for a certain initiative can be confident that the procedure will be impeccably observed.
The credo of the future platform is expressed clearly and simply:
Anyone is able to suggest a donation campaign for an idea with a widespread response for the benefit of society, to support someone else’s campaign—through a financial or material donation—or to enrol as a volunteer if it appeals to them.
In the platform’s blog, the brightest minds of Bulgaria—scientists, teachers, artists—will present their opinions.
One of them is Prof. Valentin Obretenov, a legend in Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University. He was a student of the last class of Prof. Vasil Gerov, who bequeathed his house to NEF ‘13 Centuries of Bulgaria’, where the headquarters of the Fund are today located. Prof. Obretenov is the author of nine textbooks, three books and the creator of three inventions. His research has been presented in some 200 publications in 18 countries. Through his personal efforts and donations from friends, he managed to rebuild the laboratory destroyed during the relocation of the school to its new building at the Technical University in the Students’ City in Sofia.
Prof. Valentin Obretenov supported the Fund’s new idea:
I find the initiative of NEF ‘13 Centuries of Bulgaria’ to create a platform to encourage people to implement their donative ideas in support of education, science and culture, to be noble and relevant to the times in which we live.
I should like to draw attention to an important aspect that concerns not only NEF’s activities: the preservation of the memory of our compatriots whose lives were dedicated to working for the prosperity of our Fatherland without self-interest, without boasting, but with intellect, enthusiasm and nobleness. This was precisely what Professor Vasil Gerov was, one of the major donors of the Fund and my teacher. He was one of the founding fathers of the Technical University in Sofia and the creator of the Department of Hydraulic Machines (now, Hydro-aerodynamics and Hydraulic Machines).
I think that the establishing of a scholarship in Prof. Vasil Gerov’s name for students at the Technical University, in the field of hydraulic machines and systems, will be a noble step in at least two areas: stimulating engineering education in a very important and relevant field (renewable energy technologies) and the preservation of the memory of this remarkable Bulgarian scientist.
NEF ‘13 Centuries of Bulgaria’ also challenges the friends of the Fund to harness their imagination for a title for the new platform.
You can send your suggestions for a short, captivating title (also understandable abroad) to the following e-mail: info@fund13veka.bg.