Formation “Actors with silver in their hair” visit “Sarafska House”, Samokov

Representatives of formation “Actors with silver in their hair” were visiting, on 29 March 2018, the “Sarafska House” of NEF “13 Centuries Bulgaria” in Samokov.

During the creative evening, actors Ginka Stancheva and Anton Tonev – Toni read excerpts from the book “Actors with silver in their hair (telling true stories from the world of cinema and theatre)” by Emilia Tsankova, director, actress and author of literary and theatrical texts. The book is published by Publishing House “P.O. Box for Fairy Tales”, 2017. It contains actual stories of nearly 50 Bulgarian arctors, dedicated to cinema and theatre.

The guests told fun stories from their theatrical life and Emilia Tsankova presented her culinary book “With love and inspiration or culinary impressions in times of crisis”.


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