Over 140 children and teenagers from Bournemouth, London, Portsmouth, and Southampton took part in the first ‘Hop-trop, Colourful Socks’ Children’s Folklore Festival, organised by the Association of the Bulgarian Educational Centre in Southampton, Great Britain, with the financial support of NEF ‘13 Centuries of Bulgaria’.
The ‘Fidanka’ [Sapling] Group from the Vasil Levski Bulgarian Folk School, Southampton; the ‘Malkite Pryateli’ [Little Friends], ‘Malkite Folklorcheta’ [Little Folklorists] folklore groups, and the children’s and adolescent ensembles, ‘Priyateli’ [Friends] and ‘Kademlii’ [Luck-bringers], from London; the ‘Sedefche’ [Rue] Folk Dance Group and ‘Zdravets’ [Geranium] Children’s Group at the Vasil Aprilov New Bulgarian University, Bournemouth, all took part.
Each performance was greeted with interest and applause, and social network posts on the event reached thousands of users.